Tuesday, July 11, 2006

John Mayer

My friend Jennifer saw John Mayer (famous recording artist/singer) while waiting to board her flight to Australia. He was on the same flight.

Rick Williams - Philadelphia Action News Anchor

Rick Williams was at my friend's baby naming brunch at her in laws house near Cherry Hill, NJ. His wife had given birth at the same hospital on the same day as my friend to thier baby, and they met and became friends there. His wife also works for her father in law as an OB/gyn (her father in law is head of OB/gyn). I was introduced to him and had a very brief polite conversation.

Gordie Howe

One day in the summer of 2003 I was sitting on the dock in front of my boat reading a book. It happens that Mark Howe, a former Phila. Flyers ice hockey player, has his boat at the end of my dock. Gordie Howe and his wife walked right past me and said a polite hello and smiled as they walked by (the dock is not that big). Then I overheard one of the men on the dock (who reminded me of harrison ford) say "he's a legend!" When Gordie Howe walked by again maybe a half hour or so later, I THINk I may have said "are you Gordie Howe?" just out of curiousity. He handed me an autographed card. Strangely enough that he had one on him just to visit with his son on his boat. ??? I used it as a bookmark. I still have it in my living room bookcase.

Tony Danza

I was given free tickets to go see the ice hockey team that Tony Danza owns play at the Spectrum. I had met some of the team members at the Korman Suites pool where they were living. I took my friend Lisa DeMeester with me. After the game, we went to a bar nearby that a lot of the team goes to hang out in. Right at the bar only feet from us was Tony Danza. We met 2 of the guys from the team who we thought were good looking and then went to hang out with them in thier hotel room. Then their coach knocked on the door and they got in trouble!

Jonathon Saidel- City Controller Philadelphia

In 1994 or 1995 I attended a fundraising event for Jonathon Saidel at a club in the city (may have been Egypt- I don't remember) with a lawyer friend. At one point during the evening, Jonathon Saidel came over to me (making his rounds) and said to me "Thanks for making my fundraiser look good" or something to that effect- forget his exact words but basically he told me I looked good.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Heather Locklear

We saw Heather Locklear when Shayna was about 2 and still in a stroller. We were furniture and decor shopping in SoHo, NY. We went into this one store, well more like a boutique, and Heather Locklear (and two other women, one may have been her mom) walked right by us.

I turned to Manny and said "Heather Locklear has the same taste as me!"

Bob Geldof

I saw Bob Geldof in 1994 when I was in London.

I was in an Italian restaurant in London having dinner with my friend Lolita and her friend from Argentina. In fact, this is when Lolita introduced me to one of my favorite appetizers, Mozzarella Caprese, which is fresh mozzarella on top of tomato, and Lolita put balsamic vinegar on it which is what I always now do.

It was while we were eating dinner that Bob Geldof walked right by our table (this was an open air cafe).